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What is an MIP? [+]
What are its uses? [+]
What areas can they be used for? [–]
Over a short period of time, MIPs have proven to be extremely useful tools for transmitting and collecting information, as well as gaining access to a wide range of instant services, which are very helpful in different areas: local administration, stores and business, culture, tourism and leisure, healthcare and services, etc.  
Are computer skills required to use an MIP? [–]
No. MIPs are designed to facilitate interaction with all kinds of users. In the case of MIPs with touch-screen, operation is even easier as this is the only element required to use the MIP.
Can a MIP offer the same things as traditional computer systems? [–]
A MIP provides you with all the facilities of a traditional computer system: printing, data recording, files downloading, videos, games, music, surveys participation, access to search-engines, etc
Is it possible to custom the design and/or computer equipment? [+]
Who installs and maintains it? [+]
Are there different models? [+]
Is it possible to hire an MIP? [–]
Yes. If an MIP is only required for a promotion, exhibition, congress, etc., or just to prove its effectiveness for a certain period of time, Plexus Technologies offers you the possibility of a hire contract.
Who should I contact with if I want to buy an MIP? [+]
How much does an MIP cost? [–]
Prices vary depending on the model and the number of requested MIPs. Please contact Plexus Technologies to ask for further information on prices and offers.