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Custom design
Guarantee and maintenance
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What is an MIP? [+]
What are its uses? [+]
What areas can they be used for? [+]
Are computer skills required to use an MIP? [–]
No. MIPs are designed to facilitate interaction with all kinds of users. In the case of MIPs with touch-screen, operation is even easier as this is the only element required to use the MIP.
Can a MIP offer the same things as traditional computer systems? [–]
A MIP provides you with all the facilities of a traditional computer system: printing, data recording, files downloading, videos, games, music, surveys participation, access to search-engines, etc
Is it possible to custom the design and/or computer equipment? [–]
Yes. All MIPs traded by Plexus Technologies can be customized at two levels. On the one hand, customers can freely choose those computer components they want to include in a certain model... On the other hand, they can customize the design of the structure by choosing its colour, paint etc... Besides, Plexus Technologies provides a custom design and manufacturing service for those customers who want to buy a unique and unrepeatable model. For further information on this service, please refer to the Custom Design section.
Who installs and maintains it? [–]
Apart from designing and manufacturing the structure, as well as installing the corresponding hardware and software, Plexus Technologies also installs and provides MIP technical servicing and maintenance. Plexus Technologies offers all the technical and human resources required to ensure maximum operational capacity and functioning of the information kiosks. For further information, please refer to Guarantee and Maintenance section.
Are there different models? [–]
Yes. Plexus Technologies offers a wide range of models, which fulfil the different needs of our customers: outdoors, indoors, wall-mounted, ground fixing, bigger, smaller, with touch-screen, etc. Beside this, all models can be customized in terms of computer equipment and structure design. For further information, please refer to the Models section, where you will find a catalogue of the MIP models traded by Plexus Technologies.
Is it possible to hire an MIP? [+]
Who should I contact with if I want to buy an MIP? [+]
How much does an MIP cost? [–]
Prices vary depending on the model and the number of requested MIPs. Please contact Plexus Technologies to ask for further information on prices and offers.